Monday, February 21, 2011

Youth and TV in Cambodia


I agree with you. The television can be used for teach Math, English, Health, and many, many good things. Rather now, it is a tool used for extending power. It is the same way with the billboards we see on the side of the roads. Most signs are about politics, cigarettes, or alcohol. The International NGO must come to Cambodia to put up billboards that teach what is good. The cigarette and alcohol companies with the big money will put up their billboards that teach bad habits that cause problems for everyone.

So much money is spent on political advertising every five year. The same money can be used for teaching the people a better way of life, like the International NGO's are doing. Political leaders in Cambodia need to grow up. They can not see a clear common sense way to approach so many problems which do indeed have a solution. The answer resides with the youth. The youth are the new leaders of tomorrow. No change will happen unless it is initiated by the youth. The youth who are aware need to speak up and wake up the youth who are still asleep. Only this way will you change your country for good.